XLII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics Białystok, 30.06–5.07.2025 XIV School on Geometry and Physics Białystok, 23–27.06.2025

Chaymae Karam

Unveiling Cosmic Dynamics through $f(Q)$ Gravity

The $f(Q)$ gravity framework offers a new approach to understanding the accelerated expansion of the universe by introducing non-metricity as a central element of gravitational interactions. In this study, we replace the traditional Ricci scalar $R$ with a function of the non-metricity scalar $Q$ in the gravitational action, allowing for modified field equations that may explain dark energy effects without the need for a cosmological constant. Using the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model, we analyze how $f(Q)$ gravity influences critical cosmological parameters, including the Hubble parameter, energy density, isotropic pressure, and equation of state. Our findings show that this framework provides a viable alternative to General Relativity, successfully modeling the universe's observed acceleration. The study highlights $f(Q)$ gravity's potential to address key challenges in cosmology, encouraging further exploration of non-metricity-based gravity models to deepen our understanding of cosmic evolution and the nature of dark energy.
Event sponsored by
University of Białystok
University of Białystok